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Hunter Ground Search

Barnsley, NSW 2278


Concrete Scanning

The concrete scanner uses ground penetrating radar technology to non-destructively investigate and provide an image of the concrete and other structures in either 2D or 3D imagery. This procedure aids construction professionals to safely cut, core hole or drill through concrete floors and walls. It is particularly useful for identifying:

Concrete reinforcement and tension bars

Services within the concrete

EMF Locating

EMF Locating

Electronic location relies on a continuous metallic object (e.g. pipe, cable, traceable rod or wire), which can carry the EMF signal to be detected. In many cases, optic fibres do not contain any conductive or metallic elements that can carry a direct or induced signal. The EMF locator works by transmitting an electromagnetic signal along the pipe or cable, and the receiver handpiece locates the electromagnetic field. When the field is strongest, it is closer to the pipe or cable.

Ground Penetrating Radar

Ground penetrating radar uses advanced technology to locate metallic and non-metallic services and structures. Considering there is an increased use of non-metallic materials in construction, the GPR is the tool to use in conjunction with EMF locators to perform a thorough ground search.

The GPR can be used for:

Utility detection

Locating underground storage tanks (UST)

Locating buried pits

Many more applications

Ground Penetrating Radar has a minimal setup time and can start collecting data within minutes of arrival. See the image beside for an example of a GPR scan. Please note that not all ground conditions are suitable to achieve ground penetrating radar results and each site needs to be individually assessed. 

Identify the Problem

Do you need eyes underground for difficult plumbing repairs? The team at Hunter Ground Search is equipped with state-of-the-art cameras designed to find blockages and damaged areas. Using Push Rod CCTV, we can record footage from inside drainage systems, starting from pipes as small as 90mm to 450mm and up to 60 metres in length.

Reporting & Documentation 

These CCTV inspections can be recorded, allowing for documentation. All our cameras are fitted with high-powered sondes that when combined with our locators, allow us to pinpoint any locations needing repair or further inspection. Detailed reporting, either a written report or video footage is available upon request.

Push Rod CCTV

With sonde (signal is emitted to help locate issue)

Used to inspect and locate 90mm-450mm sewer and stormwater pipes

Used in electrical, communication conduits and water pipes where we can safely access and insert 50mm camera head.

Why Use CCTV Pipe Inspections?

Problems are located, identified and solved quickly, thereby reducing costs and increasing productivity

Preventative repairs can be done as a result of the information collected by the camera

Minor faults can be sorted out before they turn into expensive, major issues


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  • George St, Barnsley NSW, Australia

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