Logo of Civilscan


Brookvale, NSW 2100


Sucker Truck - Non destruction hydro excavation

  • We vacuum load non hazardous materials including drilling mud, pits etc and undertake trenching works in congested service areas using hyrdo excavation plant with an experienced operator with VOC. 
  • Our vacuum excavation service enhances our pipe locating services to expose the assets without damaging the asset.

DBYD - Certified Locating Organisation & Optus accredited 

Whether you are carrying out a residential home improvement, a construction project, or major civil works, you will need to take every precaution to ensure that your excavations don’t damage any underground cables or pipes. Causing damage to or losing any utilities can be extremely costly, so it pays to call in the experts in underground locating services here at Civilscan Pty Ltd and meet your 1100 Dial Before You Dig duty of care obligations. Our locators are trained to "Professional Competency Standard for NULCA Member Locators (RIICCM202D)" and are certified DBYD locators who fully comply with AS5488-2013 Subsurface Utility Identification (SUI).

Using various non destructive technologies and skilled surveying technicians, we are able to accurately pinpoint the location of all types of buried pipes including gas, sewer, storm water and other plumbing & water supplies such as underground storage tanks (UST). Communication, optical fiber cables, and electrical power cables also fall within the scope of our fully accredited services.


Sucker Truck - Non destruction hydro excavation

Our dependable non destructive Vacuum Excavation service includes potholing and trenching requirements & general vacuum loading of non hazardous materials

DBYD - Certified Locating Organisation & Optus accredited 

Our professional pipe and cable location services are designed to pinpoint underground utilities which may be buried in any soil type, under roadways and footpath pavements, encased in concrete, in parks & reserves and private property and include the following:

  • Optical fiber
  • Communications
  • Ausgrid Electrical
  • Jemana Gas
  • Water and storm water
  • Drains Sewerage and many other underground structures
  • Metallic, non-metallic including PVC, cast iron, vitreous clay and their variantsOther services include
  • Concrete scan rebar mapping and depth of cover assessments
  • Video inspection
  • Utility Mapping
  • Client plan markup
  • Long term marking solutions by request

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Machines & Services

Sucker Trucks (1)

Services (2)


  • Brookvale NSW 2100

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